Welcome to Rhodes Well Travelled
Me and my favourite travel companion, Ella (aka the Frequent Small Flyer). Photo credit: La La Social.
I'm so glad you're here. rhodeswelltravelled.com was a long time coming. The idea really came about more than nine years ago when I was pregnant and wondering how on earth I could continue my job as a travel writer and photographer once the baby arrived. I was a widely published travel writer, based in Melbourne at the time. There were many helpful people (mostly mums themselves) that shared with me how they did it - you know, how to have a family and a life. But there were some negative comments too: "Of course your life will have to change, drastically"; "Well, you won't be able to go out for coffee every day like you do now". Talk about the fun police.
But you know what? I did make it work and continue to make it work. I travel the globe (and Australia), often with my 'Frequent Small Flyer', Ella, by my side. We started when she was just 12-weeks-old because, let's face it, that's when kids are the most portable. Ella has been on hundreds of flights, helicopter rides, every type of boat imaginable, walking trips and weekends away. We've ridden horseback along remote beaches on Sumba, sailed the Indonesian archipelago, kayaked private atolls in Fiji, snorkelled on Lizard Island and flown kites over Balinese rice terraces. Ella is an incredible traveller (you should see her passport!), and one of my favourite travel companions.
It wasn't all easy (please don't let me give you that impression), especially in the beginning. It's actually very tiring chasing a toddler up and down the aisle on a long haul flight. But I figured I might as well be doing what I love and travelling with Ella rather than giving up what I love to do. Along the way, I've discovered so many things about travelling with kids, and as a family - some of which I hope to share with you on this blog. Even though I do travel at times on my own, my preferred mode of travel is with the family. I hope you too will share your stories with me.
You may have noticed, depending on how strong my tag line is, that Rhodes Well Travelled is about 'Grown up travel, (mostly) with kids'. I should probably explain that's exactly what you'll find here: travel that adults want to do (if you're anything like me that is), but mostly incorporating the whole family. I guess I've never been about organising travel based solely around what Ella wants to do (although, of course I always include things that kids love to do too in my travels). A holiday based around theme parks, or attractions, just isn't my thing. Mind you, I am one day going to do the 'Ultimate Guide to Surviving Disneyland' - or 'How to do Disney in Style'. Who's with me?
Feel free to leave a comment, email me at sheriden@rhodeswelltravelled.com, or follow me on social media. And let me know if you need help or inspiration in creating your own beautiful holiday with your loved ones. Chances are, I may well be able to point you down roads (Rhodes) well travelled.